Senior Health Information
In the United States the life expectancy is 78.5 years. In comparing that to 1960 when the life expectancy was about 70 years, it is apparent that we are living longer. This is great news, but it is not an accident that we have a longer life expectancy.
We are fortunate that we live in an era where medicine has made a tremendous number of advances. We now have advanced testing to determine if you have an ailment. This gives our medical professionals an opportunity to treat you earlier. Also, medical equipment has advanced over the past several centuries. With modern scanning equipment we can look into the body without exploratory surgery which would have been a diagnosis tool a few generations ago. And medicine has advanced where in many cases treatment can now be done with an injection or oral dosage. Treatment has come a long way!
But treatment is only part of the story. Another important aspect is prevention. We have the ability to reduce our potential illnesses by changing our lifestyle. In order to live healthier, we suggest that you monitor your diet. Proper nutrition is very important to the health of senior citizens. A good balance of healthy foods will give seniors the needed nutrients to avoid osteoporosis and other illnesses that weaken bones.
An equal part of the senior health equation is exercise. While someone in their 70’s may not be able to do the same things, they did in their 20’s, they should still be able to still be active. The type of activity may change slightly, and if you have not been active recently, the strenuousness may need to be adjusted. But what you need to keep in mind is that before you engage in any exercise routine you should consult with your doctor in order to give you some guidelines to follow.
The good news is that senior citizens are living longer today than previous generations. The even better news is that in many cases you have control of your own health. Adapt your lifestyle and you too can live a longer, healthier life!